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Virtual machine in a sentence

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Sentence count:78Posted:2018-03-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: political machinevirtualvirtuallyvirtual imagevirtualizationvirtual realitywashing machinemachine
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31. Each virtual machine that is contained in the distributed application is specified with an application module entry element.
32. Thrown if the Java Virtual Machine cannot find an appropriate native language definition of a method declared native.
33. With the development of network and the growing need for software compatibility, the research of virtual machine has entered into a glorious time.
34. The statement was executed within the procedure virtual machine (PVM).
35. Inferno logically Java by including a virtual machine , programming language, and communications protocol.
36. This includes editing virtual system settings and configuring each virtual machine as one of the parts available in the virtual image.
37. CLR is a virtual machine that provides code execution services; for example, memory management, thread execution, code execution, code safety verification, etc. CLR is to .
38. Caution Enabling all shared folders can pose a security risk because a shared folder might enable existing programs inside the virtual machine to access the host file system without your knowledge.
39. Monitoring key events in the lifecycle of a virtual machine instance.
40. That pairing includes a virtualization service provider (VSP) in the primary partition whose job is to interact with virtualization service clients (VSC) in each virtual machine.
41. Import virtual machines and templates from System Center Virtual Machine Manager into your team project library.
42. This algorithm is platform independent and suitable for both message passing (MP) and shared variable mechanisms. This algorithm has been implemented in PVM (parallel virtual machine).
43. The primary difference is that add-ons are run before any custom scripts and they target the virtual machine configuration.
44. Another common useful pattern is to enable a virtual machine to accept input from itself by enabling loop-back support.
45. Generating a virtual machine configuration file for the virtual image.
46. Because the virtual machine will use the same processor as the host as a baseline, it requires that the host environment and the cloned physical server have compatible types of processors.
47. This Virtual Machine has a virtual program used to check the password entered.
48. HP virtualization manager, HP Capacity Advisor, and Virtual Machine migration (for IVM's) allow a running VM and its applications to be moved to a different VM host without service interruption.
49. A VSP/VSC pair exists for the display, network, human interface and storage needs of each virtual machine.
50. Inferno logically mirrors Java by including a virtual machine, programming language[], and communications protocol.
51. The application and development background of Virtual Machine Tool (VMT) technology, which is a key technique of agile manufacturing, is introduced in this paper.
52. The operating system or application can run natively or as a virtual machine on the client operating system.
53. Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) is a software package that permits a heterogeneous collection of cluster computers' to function as a single high-performance parallel machine.
54. Specify your naming scheme in the Virtual machine name format field as shown in Figure 8.
55. Further information on the Azul Virtual Machine can be found here and via Dr Click's blog.
56. After you provide this information, continue to provide standard configuration data such as virtual machine resource allocation information, cell name, node name, and passwords.
56. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
57. The virtual machine concept kept users separated while simulating a full stand-alone computer for each.
58. Upon deployment, the virtual image part becomes a virtual machine, and the script package associated with the virtual image part gets executed on that virtual machine.
59. When a virtual machine requires attention from a device, its request gets redirected across the VMBus to what could be considered the "real" device driver in the primary partition.
60. With this done, if one virtual machine or node encounters problems, it does not impact the other instance.
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